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Give the Best Gift Ever- Yourself

 Changing the Focus This Holiday Seasonthe greatest gift

While the holiday season is a favorite time for many, for some it is the most dreaded time of the year.   This makes it a time of year to be especially aware of and supportive of those who struggle with depression or other issues, are grieving and/or are just lonely. Giving of ourselves, our time and our talents are beautiful and meaningful ways to let people know we care about them.

One of the reasons I love the movement for alternatives to traditional gift giving and holiday celebrations is that the focus is on building and nurturing relationships.  These alternative suggestions are typically often about spreading kindness and compassion.  The benefits of focusing on connecting with each other, building relationships and creating meaningful memories is more fulfilling and lasting than most any store bought gift I can think of. The receiver feels like they are worthwhile enough to spend time with, the giver feels good about nurturing an important relationship and not succumbing to the pressures to spend lots of money and the earth is saved from unnecessary waste and energy. It is a win-win-win.

The bonus is that it is good for our spirit, our sense of integrity and well being when we connect with others, building a sense of belonging and community.  I am personally thrilled to read more and more scientific evidence to back this up. It feels so good to be consistent with our beliefs in spreading kindness and compassion. It is empowering to think for ourselves and not give in to the media and the multinational corporations who are trying to make us think that the best way to make our child or grandchild really happy is buying him or her this or that toy or gadget. Rituals of connecting and relationship building started during the holiday season can then be carried on throughout the rest of the year. 🙂 

One of the most basic elements of bullying prevention is building healthy relationships.  Youth who feel loved, have a true sense of belonging and self worth are less inclined to bully.  Strong and healthy relationships will help increase resiliency in kids who are more at risk to be bullied.  Kids who are part of healthy and loving relationships are more likely to stand up and speak out as they witness abuse among their peers when given the tools and skills they need.

The most important gift we can give our loved ones, our children and grandchildren is the knowledge and the feeling that they are valuable, needed, talented, special, competent, smart, beautiful and loved just exactly as they are. They learn to believe and feel these things when we continually demonstrate that we love to spend time with them, learn about them and share our lives  with them.  And of course, it would be nice if we would also give them a healthy and inhabitable earth. 🙂

Below are some links with ideas for alternatives to what we have been told is the only and the best way to give to our children and to celebrate through the holiday season.

May you all have a peace and kindness-filled holiday season.  ~Ann (Jeremiah’s mom) -Simplify the Holidays!!  Top 10 SoKind Gift Ideas – Violence- Free Gift List – Buy Nothing Christmas – Simplify the Holidays Guide – My Holidays, Simplified: More Connection, Less Stuff


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