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Building Kind Schools and Communities

Archive for September 2013

Choose Kindness Day Everyday!

Greetings my fellow kindness lovers,

This time of year is always very bittersweet for me, as I love fall here in Minnesota but it is also the anniversary of Jeremiah’s suicide, October 22. It is an extremely difficult time as anniversaries of loss always are… Last year I decided that I wanted to make that tragic and horror- filled day to also be a day that we renew our commitment to being kind and working to creating homes, schools and communities in which every child feels loved, accepted and respected just as they are. ๐Ÿ™‚

We dedicate the day that Jeremiah took his life stating he no longer wanted “to live in a world where people were so cruel” as a day of renewing our dedication to spreading kindness. We invite you to join us.ย  This is a day we will not only rededicate ourselves to this but also create a plan on how we will change our thoughts, words and behavior so that we are living each day from a place of kindness and compassion towards all beings. Change takes time and is usually a series of small steps. What small step can we commit to doing that will add kindness to our world? Sometimes change requires beingย  intentional. We often need a plan to carry through our good intentions or they get lost among everything else in our day. We invite you to also rededicate and make plans to continue to foster kind and respectful homes, schools and communities.

Our hope is that on Choose Kindness Day, October 22,ย  we will all reflect on our attitudes, words and behavior and consider how and what we might do from here on. Are there people or areas in our life to/in which we are not so kind or compassionate? What about strangers- do we treat the people we pass by or interact with with kindness and compassion too? As we go through our day are we aware of our connectedness with the people and life around us, as well as, across the world?


ย ย ย ย  I have created a few different flyers that you can hand out or display in your homes, schools, businesses, places of worship, etc.ย  I also
put together ideas for parents, schools and other groups or organizations to use on this day and everyday. ๐Ÿ™‚ย  I will post some of those
below. We also invite and encourage you to make copies and share these.ย  You can email the link to our website page, “Choose Kindness Day”, which contains info about this event.ย  If you, your family, your school or your organization participates in this event, please do share pictures or stories with us either in the comments below or on our Facebook event page here. ๐Ÿ™‚ย  We thank you all so much for your passion and commitment to being the change by being kind. ๐Ÿ™‚

Here is the link to the flyers with info, the pledge and suggestions for homes, schools, other youth and adult organizations.
“Choose Kindness Day”


Below is a flyer with suggestions for schools or other organizations and a flyer with suggestions for families. ๐Ÿ™‚ Please feel free to use and share. ๐Ÿ™‚

Details for the suggestions for schools and organizations are found in the flyers below. ๐Ÿ™‚

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