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Building Kind Schools and Communities

Bullying Prevention

Given that bullying is a societal issue not just a school issue it needs to be actively addressed and prevented everywhere there are people- in the home, workplace, faith-based organizations, civic and community organizations, youth and adult groups/clubs, schools and communities.

In order to effectively prevent bullying we need to examine why people bully in the first place.  We at Jeremiah’s Hope for Kindness ascribe to the theory that all behavior is purposeful.  Behavior is an attempt to meet a need or needs. Psychologist, William Glasser, proposes that humans have five basic needs.

These needs are:

1.       Survival (food, shelter, safety)

2.      Love (sense of belonging)

3.       Power (competency)

4.       Fun

5.       Freedom

With this theory in mind the behavior of bullying is an attempt (usually unconsciously) to meet one of these needs in some form or variation. As we know, youth learn their behaviors from those around them and today that circle of influence has grown to include many forms of media from around the world.  So, the way in which they see others behaving is the way that they will often behave. The attitudes and social norms that they are exposed to will often become their own.  Therefore, as adults we have a significant role in modeling attitudes and behavior that is kind and respectful towards all.

When we are planning our bullying intervention and prevention efforts it is important to keep this information in mind. If we can help kids meet their needs and increase protective factors they are less like to hurt others.

 It is not just about having rules and enforcing them. More importantly it is about:

  • building a sense of community.
  •  modeling and teaching respect, kindness, empathy and compassion along with and while teaching the traditional subjects.
  •  teaching social –emotional skills to increase resiliency and the development of healthy relationships.
  • ensuring that every single child feels welcomed, accepted and cared about as he or she is.
  • giving every child the tools they need to become healthy, competent and caring adults involved in healthy relationships and able and willing to participate in the betterment of their communities and world.

All of these efforts must be ongoing from the time a child enters the school system to the day they leave it.

Articles and websites

As I said earlier, Bullying and violence prevention in our schools is about creating safe and respectful environments where all students can learn and participate at an optimal level.  The respectful behavior that is learned doesn’t end when students leave the school building. Ultimately, our homes and communities will be safer places where children and adults feel safe and can thrive.

Here are some links to information and resources about bullying prevention-

Why Teaching Kindness in Schools is Essential Reduce Bullying

Here is a school right here in Minnesota that is using restorative practices and trauma informed practices with great success. 🙂  These practices are a very important part of reducing and preventing bullying. https://acestoohigh.com/2015/04/09/minnesota-high-school-screens-for-aces-to-develop-trauma-informed-education/

I will have many more coming soon-