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Building Kind Schools and Communities

Archive for October 2012

A Pledge to be Kind and Wear Yellow

I met Cassie, a very gifted writer, 2 years ago at the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program training in Seattle. Cassie is one of the most kindhearted and gentle souls I have ever met. We are so fortunate to have her as a member of our board of directors for Jeremiah’s Hope for Kindness. And I am so fortunate to have her as a friend. ♥

Do also read Cassie’s blog which she refers to in this one, regarding her personal experience of being bullied. It is a story that needs to be heard and shared.

I invite you to read Cassie’s eloquent words here- http://cbmccully.blogspot.com/2012/10/jeremiahs-hope-for-kindness-day-pledge.html

Everyone has a story…

Every time I write about our story or post on our facebook page I am very much aware that you each have your own story of pain and loss. As a straight person, I cannot know how difficult it must be to be LGBTQ. As a white middle class woman, I cannot know what life is like for people of other races or ethnicities or socioeconomic levels.  As a person who has really never been abused, I  cannot know fully what life is like for someone who is or has been abused.  As we read others stories we may also realize that while we have different stories we all have feelings and needs.  We are alike as well as different. By sharing our stories we can learn from each other and maybe spread some empathy and compassion. ♥

Please feel free to share your stories here. Bless you all and may you find strength and hope as you share your story. ♥ ~Ann (Jeremiah’s mom)

Ally Week is October 15-19!

Ally week is a great time to get involved and show your support for LGBTQ youth. It is explained on the website as-

“Ally Week is a week for students to identify, support and celebrate Allies against anti-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) language, bullying and harassment in America’s schools.”

Sudents will encourage their peers and school staff to sign an Ally Pledge which states:

I believe all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression,
deserve to feel safe and supported. That means I pledge to:

  1. Not use anti-LGBT language and slurs;
  2. Intervene, if I safely can, in situations where other students are being harassed;
  3. Support efforts to end bullying and harassment.


Please show your support and let people know that you care!! ❤

There are many resources and ideas on the website below. Please consider what you can do to help. 🙂  Thank you! 🙂
